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Christ View Church


10:00 AM

Meeting Location
6801 N. 43rd Avenue

Just South of Glendale

Come early for coffee

Church Mailing Address
P O Box 2557
Glendale, AZ 85311

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Welcome to our Inspirational Page! 

By Pastor Gordon Douglas


 Many times in life we can find ourselves in a place of wonderment... wondering, is there any hope? Perhaps some circumstance has come along and totally changed things and you wonder if it will ever be the same again. Or, maybe you have been in some situation for so long you don't know anything different but you would like to see change. IS THERE HOPE? 

 The word HOPE is defined as "desiring with expectation of fulfillment." It is also defined as, "to wish or want." Whether you are desiring with expectation of fulfillment or just wishing... your life can be different. 

 No problem is too big for God to solve or too small that He does not care. No situation is too far-gone nor is there any person too small or insignificant that Jesus cannot or will not help. There is no hunger too deep for Jesus to satisfy and no heart that He will not touch when surrendered to Him. 

 He is a "waymaker" when there seems to be no way and He is not subject to the rules, authority or control of man. Regardless of what man's report may be, He has the final say. 

 Jesus is the Bread of Life, and if you will feed on Him your life will change. You will have life and have it more abundantly.. Now and forever. 

 Yes, there is HOPE because there is Christ and He truly does care about you. Seek Jesus. Seek for nothing more and settle for nothing less. He said we could come unto Him.. All of us that are weary and heavy-laden. We can cast our burden on Him and He will bring about change. What He has done for others, He will do for you!

Real messages
for real people
in a real world






Jesus established the church to be a community of believers, a family, to encourage each other in unity and to project His love to the world. As a family, our goal is to love each other without conditions or expectations

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A Family Church for the "Whole" Family

Christ View Church
A Family Church for the "Whole" Family
at 6801 N. 43rd Avenue

Office & Mailing Address
(Note- Office is different from meeting location)
P O Box 2557

Glendale, Az 85311

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